Who is who
Topteam Life Sciences & Health
The Topteam Life Sciences & Health, a collaboration between industry, academia and government, map opportunities and challenges for the sector. Furthermore they support the sector in their international efforts.
The Topteam LSH consists of the following persons:

Rob van Leen

Len de Jong

Hans Schikan

Huib Pols

Leon van Halder
Source: Topsectoren
The ‘regiegroep’

The ‘regiegroep’ consists of LSH professionals from different discipines, from academia and:
- Geert Blijham (UMC’s, doctor)
- Clemens v. Blitterswijk (science+SME, University Maastricht)
- Fred Dom (SME, HiFiBio)
- Henk v. Houten (large industry, Philips)
- René Kuijten (venture capital, LSP)
- Colja Laane (public-private partnership, former NGI,TKI LSH)
- Marcel Levi (public-private partnership, doctor, AMC/ZonMw)
- Tom Oostrom (Health foundations, Dutch kidney foundation)
- Anton Pijpers (vetenary, scientist, Utrecht University)
- Joep Pluymen (large industry, former MSD)
- Geri Bonhof (education, hogeschool Utrecht)
- Roger van Boxtel (health insurance, Menzis)
- Martin Paul (universities, University of Maastricht)
The TKI-LSH team

The TKI-LSH consists of the following people (from left to right):
Chrétien Herben – Valorisation Manager
Colja Laane – Interim Director
Annette Wells – Office Manager
Gon Schiereck – Program manager Human Capital
Ernst Nagel – Operations Director
Laila El Aziz – Program coördinator

Rob van Leen
Rob van Leen studied biochemistry and molecular biology. He worked at Gist-Brocades as director R&D Food Specialities. Since 1999 Rob van Leen Works at DSM. He held positions as director Business Unit Dairy Ingredients and director Business Group. Currently he is Chief Innovation Officer at DSM.

Len de Jong
Len de Jong studied Business Administration and between 1982 and 1988 he worked as Commercial Manager at Schreiner Airways B.V. IN 1988 he started working with Medicopharma as Branche Office Director. After a year as Deputy Director ad interim at Teesing Holdings he started working at Howden Processing and Packaging Group in 1992 and he has been Managing Director of The Howden Food Equipment from 1994 until 1997. Thanks to his business plans to improve the development of products, Howden Food equipment has been a company with a clear market structure. Since 1997, he has been CEO of Enraf-Nonius.

Hans Schikan
Hans Schikan studied pharmacy at the University of Utrecht and is currently CEO of Prosensa, a biopharmaceutical company based in Leiden. Earlier he worked as vice-president Global Marketing & Strategic Development at Genzyme. Before that he worked at Organon for seventeen years. As general manager of Organon Netherlands he was also chairman of Nefarma, the association of innovative medicines in the Netherlands. Next to his role at Prosensa he is board member of the Emerging Companies Section Governing Board of BIO and non-executive board member of Swedish Orphan Biovitrum.

Huib Pols
Prof. dr. Huibert Pols studied medicine in Rotterdam and got his promotion in 1988. Pols is dean of the Medicines & Health Science faculty and vice president of the Board of Directors of the Erasmus Medical Centre since 2006. As a rector he is especially dedicated to education, research, students and science education.

Leon van Halder
Leon van Halder is General Secretary of the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports (HWS) since 1 November, 2014. Before that he was amongst others Director-General Curative Care at HWS. Leon van Halder studied Social Sciences and Education Science at the Utrecht University.