Life Sciences & Health
The Dutch Life Sciences & Health sector is one of nine ‘topsectors’ in the Netherlands, designated by the Ministry of Economic Affairs.
Our innovations and excellent science are well known all over the world. The entrepreneurial sector has high earning potential for the Netherlands. With the Dutch approach, characterized by cooperation, partnerships and open innovation,
we strive to remain one of the world leaders in the LSH sector.

Some famous examples of the Dutch innovations in the LSH sector are the microscope, microbiology, the invention of the electrocardiogram, the artificial kidney, the heart-lung machine and the artificial heart. But oncology, medical equipment, the development of vaccines, the building of hospitals and the structure of our healthcare system – affordable and effective – are also examples of Dutch accomplishments.
At the foundation of these successes lies a typically Dutch quality: the willingness to share knowledge within a tight-knit cooperation between industry, research and government. It makes us a frontrunner in public-private research and open innovation partnerships. We see healthcare as a chain: from science to patients. This is also the way we approach complex health issues: interdisciplinary. And this is evident in our solutions: complete, effective and coherent products and services geared to what people need.
Currently, LSH is facilitating the transition of the relativity large PPPs, such as TI‑Pharma (Top Institute Pharma), CTMM (Center for Translational Molecular Medicine), BMM (BioMedical Materials) and parts of NGI (Netherlands Genomic Initiative), into new public-private programmes, which is a real challenge given the substantially lower amounts of public funding available. Yet, an inventory in the regions taught us that there are still many other regional PPPs and that there are also many ‘hidden’ PPPs around, which could benefit from our efforts to generate funds (TKI-allowance) for follow up projects.
Life Science & Health in the Netherlands
This film shows why the Netherlands is one of the best breeding grounds for life sciences ›
The Dutch healthcare five years in a row frontrunner in Europe
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Dutch healthcare frontrunner in Europe five years in a row

The Netherlands is the only country which has consistently been among the top three in the total ranking of any European Index the Health Consumer Powerhouse has published since 2005. Patient involvement and the input of medical professionals on the operational level is one of the reasons for this success. Other reasons are the shortening of waiting lists in hospitals and politicians being less involved in operational decisions. With a better cost-efficiency, Dutch results would even be higher!
Source: Euro Health Consumer Index 2013
Topconsortia for Knowledge and Innovation (TKI's) can apply for TKI basic allowance, by identifying public-private partnerships (PPPs) in the sector. In 2013 and 2014, we identified over 200 PPPs, resulting in €10 million Euros that the LSH-TKI foundation use to fund new projects. This is the TKI-LSH grant. The greater part of this grant is allocated to the PPP that earned the basic allowance.
Public and private partners together submit a proposal for their R&D project to apply for this TKI-LSH grant. The proposal is evaluated on criteria of the TKI-arrangements: 1) the project is a public-private partnership 2) is in line with the Innovation contract and 3) the partners signed a consortium agreement 4) all partners contribute in cash and/or in kind to the project 5) knowledge and IP are not solely for private partners.
In 2015, the arrangements of the TKI-LSH grant slightly change:
• The partnership project contains fundamental research, industrial research or experimental development or a combination of these. There are no longer requirements concerning the minimum private contribution.
• There are also no longer requirements concerning the minimum private contribution.
• One or more parties may bear the full cost of the project and free the other parties from the financial risks connected to the project. Contract research and the provision of research services are not considered as forms of cooperation.
You can find more information about the TKI-LSH allowance on our website.
For any questions regarding the TKI-allowance or for submitting your proposal, please contact us through