Innofuse is the winner of the Venture Challenge!

At the Dutch Life Sciences Conference the young start-up Innofuse won the Venture Challenge Fall 2014. Innofuse is developing a new multi-infusion system that speeds up the administration of drugs in premature babies and decreases fluctuations with more than 70 percent. This is highly important for premature babies, where fluctuation and timing of medication can have a large effect and could even result in brain damage.
Helping patients and creating better solutions in the healthcare sector is the main motive of Brechtje Riphagen as a young entrepreneur to start Innofuse.
“I am driven by the most vulnerable and young patient, for whom this product can really improve the quality of healthcare”, says Brechtje, CEO of the company.
Innofuse targets problems physicians experience on a daily base with drug administration to critically ill and preterm infants. Existing infusion sets inherently induce significant dosage fluctuations and long delays before drugs reach the patient. Innofuse provides a patented solution: an infusion set that guarantees stability and immediacy of drug administration. Thanks to the collaboration with UMC Utrecht, Innofuse can count on a clinical partner and a launching customer. Brechtje Riphagen:
“It is in my ambition to make Innofuse the new golden standard worldwide”.
Innofuse was one of the five teams that participated in an intensive track for Life Science start-ups organized by Topsector Life Sciences and Health. With their pitch, Innofuse convinced the expert-jury and won the Venture Challenge. The challenge is organized to stimulate and support young start-ups in the Life Sciences field. In the spring of 2015 Topsector LSH will support a new edition of the Venture Challenge. The call for this edition will soon be open. More information about can be found on the website of the Venture Challenge.
More information:
Topsector LSH presents international plans to Minister Schippers

At the Zorgtop, 16 December 2014, Hans Schikan and Len de Jong of the Topteam of the Topsector LSH presented their plans for internationalization to the Dutch Ministry of Health. The Topsector LSH will follow the Holland Branding guidelines and will present itself as Health Holland. Secretary General Leon van Halder received the new international branding toolkit of the topsector, on behalf of Minister Schippers.
“This initiative for cooperation is very important for the cooperation in the sector. Working together under one umbrella will strengthen the individual parties.”
More details follow further in this year in review.
Biobusiness masterclass

The BioBusiness Masterclass is a successful training program for entrepreneurs in the life sciences. The 6 modules of the Masterclass offer new entrepreneurs guidance in business skills and personal development. In the fall of 2014 a group of 18 enthusiastic life sciences professionals has started the 2014/15-edition of the BioBusiness Masterclass. They will spend the coming months on improving their business plans in small teams. The most promising start-up with the best business plan receives the BioBusiness Masterclass award. The winner of the last edition of the award is Quirem Medical. This innovative medical device company develops the next generation microspheres for targeted treatment of liver tumors.
CSO Frank Nijsen comments on the Masterclass:
“The BioBusiness Masterclass offers the opportunity to openly discuss the challenges of a start-up as Quirem Medical. The advice of the professional coaches and the network of other entrepreneurs was very valuable for me to make the step from scientist to entrepreneur ”.
The masterclass is organized by HollandBIO, the Dutch biotech industry organization.
Source: HollandBio