Who is who?
Who is who within Top Sector LSH?

Top Team ›
The Top Team of the Top Sector Life Sciences & Health represents industry, academia and government.
Top Team
The Top Team of the Top Sector Life Sciences & Health represents industry, academia and government. Every couple of weeks the Top Team evaluates developments in the sector and indicates the opportunities and challenges. They also support the sector in its international efforts. The Top Team consists of the following members:

Hans Schikan - Chairman a.i.
- Former CEO of Prosensa
- Representing the biotechnology SMEs

Huibert Pols
- Rector Magnificus of Erasmus University Rotterdam
- Representing the academia

Erik Gerritsen
- Secretary General at the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport
- Representing the government

Len de Jong
- CEO Enraf Nonius
- Representing the medical technology SMEs

Advisory Board ›
The Advisory Board (Regiegroep) consists of LSH professionals from different disciplines.

Advisory Board (Regiegroep)
The Advisory Board (Regiegroep) consists of LSH professionals from different disciplines (from left to right):
- Martin Paul (Maastricht University) - Chairman
- Carmen van Vilsteren (University of Technology, Eindhoven) - Vice Chairman
- Leonard Geluk (The Hague University of Applied Sciences)
- Inez de Greef (Treeway)
- Anton Pijpers (Utrecht University)
- Frank Baaijens (University of Technology, Eindhoven)
- Marcel van Raaij (Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport)
- Tom Oostrom (Health foundations, Dutch kidney foundation)
- Fred Dom (HiFiBio)
- Hans Severens (Institute of Health Policy & Management Erasmus University)
- Marcel Joachimsthal (Mobiquity)
- Clemens v. Blitterswijk (Maastricht University)
- Hans Hofstraat (Philips)
- Mirjam Mol (Ferring Pharmaceuticals)
- Joep Pluymen (former MSD)
- Annelien Bredenoord (UMC Utrecht)
- René Kuijten (LSP)
- Dianda Veldman (Patients federation Netherlands)

Executive Office ›
In close collaboration with the topteam and steering group, our executive office is

Executive Office
In close collaboration with the Top Team and Advisory Board, our executive office is responsible for the day-to-day activities of the topsector.
The people at the Executive Office (from left to right):
- Ernst Nagel – Operations director
- Annette Wells – Office manager
- Jannica Swieringa - Junior communications officer
- Jolande Zijlstra – Innovation coordinator
- Hanna Groen – Programme assistant
- Hanneke Heeres – Human capital coordinator
- Nico van Meeteren – Executive director
- Laila el Aziz – Programme manager
- Patricia Schimmel – Secretary
- Chrétien Herben – Valorisation manager
- Naomi Vorstermans – Communications officer

Board ›
An independent board formally supervises the executive office and awards PPP Allowances after taking advice from the PPP Allowance evaluation committee.

As a foundation, the executive office of the Top Sector LSH is formally supervised by an independent board. The board consists of three members with legal, financial and scientific expertise and, in addition to su
- Henk Smid (Director ZonMW)
- Huibert Pols (Rector Magnificus of Erasmus University Rotterdam)
- Kees ter Voort (Financial Advisor)

LSH Network ›
The Top Sector collaborates with regional clusters to facilitate their regional and inter-regional cooperation.
Top Sector LSH Network
The Top Sector collaborates with regional clusters to facilitate their regional and inter-regional cooperation; they want to create synergy and to interconnect public and private partners via the consolidation of a critical mass in R&D in the form of start-ups and PPPs.
As such, the regions will be supported to further expand their collaborations with citizen cooperation, R&D institutes, higher education partners and institutions, SMEs, public health and primary, secondary and tertiary care facilities including university medical centres, universities of applied sciences, regional training centres and, where applicable, the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport’s Test beds (VWS Proeftuinen). This will mostly be done under the guidance of economic boards that integrate the regional, societal and economic challenges in profitable R&D.