Major Events of 2018
National eHealth week

Health~Holland Meet~Up & knowledge session implementation eHealth
After a successful first edition of the Health~Holland Meet~Up, where healthcare professionals were matched with innovative start-ups, Mobile Doctors in collaboration with Health~Holland is once again organising a Meet~Up. We would like to extend a warm invitation to a special meeting on the theme Service & Accessibility on Tuesday 23 January, during the eHealth week 2018.
During the Meet~Up we will bring various parties that have the ambition to improve healthcare in an innovative way into contact with healthcare professionals. During the previous edition a medical board ‘assessed’ five innovative start-ups. This time we will bring healthcare professionals into contact with the innovative companies they need. With two new eHealth consultants at VvAA, we will focus on the implementation of eHealth by healthcare professionals. Whereas sharing knowledge and inspiring was the biggest task of Mobile Doctors, the real implementation of eHealth will truly be the follow-up.
e-Health week 2018
From 20 to 26 January, the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport and ECP | Platform for the information society will organise the second edition of the eHealth week: a campaign to enhance knowledge and skills in the field of digital support in healthcare. They want to bring as many people as possible throughout the Netherlands in contact with e-Health and let them experience the possibilities.
Knowledge session implementation e-Health
The Meet~Up will start with a knowledge session in which healthcare professionals receive guidelines on how they can implement applications in the field of service and accessibility. Hans Ossebaard, working as an advisor Innovation & eHealth for the Dutch Care Institute and affiliated with the Center for e-Health Research of the University of Twente, will bring the ten healthcare professionals in the world of eHealth. During the second part of the afternoon the healthcare professionals will meet the start-ups.
Let’s build tomorrow’s healthcare together!

Global Scale-up Programme & Investor Forum
Global Scale-up Program & Global Investor Forum
The second module of Global Scale-up Program starts on 31 January at Euronext in Amsterdam, followed by the Global Investor Forum and Innovation for Health conference on 1 February at WTC Rotterdam. The theme of this module is Leadership & Venture Growth.
How can you benefit from this programme?
During the first day at Euronext in Amsterdam, start-up and scale-up ventures will learn through lectures, case studies and mentoring sessions from serial entrepreneurs, leading investors and experts about how leadership can impact venture growth.
On the second day you can meet numerous investors and industry leaders at the combined Global Investor Forum and Innovation for Health conference and you will also have the opportunity to pitch your company to a community of formal and informal investors, leading biomed entrepreneurs, physicians who are key-opinion leaders, innovation executives, media, press and many more. For more information see the enclosed programme or the website
The programme of this two-day event concludes with the special VIP CEO-Investor Dinner, which will provide CEOs and investors with an exclusive opportunity to connect with leaders from industry, science and finance, while enjoying a delightful dinner and music.
Innovation for Health

Innovation for Health: Transition in Healthcare
Innovation for Health is the Netherlands´ premier conference for key players in Life Sciences & Health. It brings together key players and stakeholders who play decisive roles in the development, funding and implementation of innovations for prevention and healthcare. Innovation for Health is a high-end conference, which offers a dynamic exhibition and a central meeting place. It provides a great opportunity to meet leading innovators, to catch up on the latest trends, to present cutting-edge innovations, and to engage leaders and decision makers in healthcare innovation.
With more than 800 delegates, 8 main tracks, over 50 influential speakers, 10 innovation pitches and many of one-on-one meetings, Innovation for Health is an inspirational event for professionals in health and care, from bench to boardroom, from start-up to multinational.
Innovation for Health 2018 will be organised at WTC Rotterdam and is powered by Health~Holland.
For more information about the conference, please visit

Launch Oncode Institute

Queen Máxima opens Oncode Institute for cancer research
Her Majesty Queen Máxima will open the Oncode Institute on Monday 5 February at the Royal Tropics Institute in Amsterdam. The Oncode Institute is an independent virtual institute that brings together cancer researchers in the Netherlands. The launch will take place in the Royal Tropics Institute in Amsterdam.
The Oncode Institute focuses on three pillars: excellent research, intensive collaboration, and the utilisation of scientific knowledge for patients. The goal is to translate fundamental insights on cancer as soon and as efficiently as possible to realise better and more affordable healthcare. In the next five years the Dutch Cancer Society, together with the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, and the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, will invest a total of €125 million in the Oncode Institute.
At the opening, the speakers will include Hans Clevers (Princess Maxima Centre), Koos Boering (Dutch Cancer Society), Jan Schellens (Netherlands Cancer Institute – Antoni van Leeuwenhoek), Robbert Dijkgraaf (Princeton Institute for Advanced Study) and David Livingston (Harvard Cancer Centre).
Innovation by co-creation

ZonMw public-private partnership day: Innovation by co-creation
Save the date: Thursday 15th of February 2018
On Thursday 15 February, ZonMw and Health~Holland will organise the annual gathering on public-private partnerships (PPP) in Utrecht for the third time. This inspiring afternoon is about how promising research can be connected to economic opportunities by innovative public-private partnerships. It is a varied programme for researchers, entrepreneurs and health funds. You will hear more about the new funding opportunities for public-private partnerships of among others ZonMw. You will also discover more about funding possibilities in different research phases, valorisation, Big Data and SME in public-private partnerships.
Admission is free. Would you like to receive an invitation for this afternoon? Then please register via the special registration website and note 15 February 2018 in your diary!

BIO-Europe Spring Amsterdam

The Dutch Life Sciences & Health sector: sustaining the future of healthcare together
Looking ahead to the BIO-Europe Spring in Amsterdam with Annemiek Verkamman, managing director of HollandBIO
The life sciences & health sector is living up to its promises. Thanks to innovative medicines, vaccines and therapies the sector is able to offer patients new perspectives. Our sector’s great work allows patients to regain their lives, to participate in society, both at work and at home.
Still, there are plenty of challenges ahead. Although the life sciences sector is working tirelessly to contribute to a better life for those in need, patients are awaiting effective treatments around the globe. The road from bench to bedside is long, risky and expensive and the healthcare budget is under pressure. In order to maintain and improve our high standards of care, joining forces is critical.
"In order to maintain and improve our high standards of care, joining forces is critical."
In the Netherlands, collaboration is in our genes. In a joint effort, the Dutch are pioneering solutions that combine health, affordability and innovation: organoid and organ-on-a-chip technology to realise better disease models, FAIR data technology unleashing the power of our research infrastructure, and public-private partnerships such as Oncode Institute and RegMed XB that bundle scientific excellence and best practices in valorisation, to name a few.
BIO-Europe Spring in Amsterdam puts the Dutch life sciences & health sector in the spotlights. Our bold entrepreneurs and clever scientists, exemplary patient representatives and progressive policy makers. Powered by Health~Holland, we proudly present the Dutch frontrunners and their solutions to sustain the future of drug development.
We are looking forward to an inspiring, energising and fun BIO-Europe Spring in Amsterdam. And don’t forget to pay a visit to the Health~Holland Pavillion, the orange heart of BIO-Europe Spring’s exhibition floor! Read our special magazine on the BIO-Europe Spring for the latest information.
See you in Amsterdam,
Annemiek Verkamman
Managing Director of HollandBIO, the Dutch biotech industry organisation
Bio-Europe Spring 2018
March 12-14, 2018, one of Europe’s largest and most successful partnering conferences for the biotech and pharmaceutical industry, BIO-Europe Spring, will be heading for Amsterdam, the new location of the EMA. It offers various opportunities to engage with global life sciences partners via networking, partnering meetings, panel discussions and more.
Health Valley Event

Health Valley Event - Jubilee edition
This year’s Health Valley Event will take place in the Cinemec Nijmegen on 15 March. The conference revolves around the people who make a difference in healthcare. Doctors, entrepreneurs, investors, nurses and researchers. They are all working on innovation, doing their best to make things better for patients in their own unique way! The Health Valley Event (HVE) is the foremost care innovation conference of the Netherlands.
Leading speakers such as Hans Clevers, Angela Maas and others will focus on the theme where people make the difference. This year, the Health Valley Event will again be filling up its versatile programme with various parallel sessions on a diverse range of themes, an Investorslounge, Pecha Kucha’s, workshops, and plenty of opportunities for networking with industry peers. The day will conclude with the bestowal of the 2018 Nationale Zorginnovatieprijs (national healthcare innovation prize).
Please visit the website of the Health Valley Event for more information and registration. Or be inspired by the video of last year’s event.

LifeSciences@Work Venture Challenge

LifeSciences@Work Venture Challenge
Participating means accelerating!
The Venture Challenge is the bi-annual coaching programme of LifeSciences@Work. This spring we will organise its 19th edition. The specialised coaching focuses on developing your initial idea into a solid business case by an entrepreneurial approach with boot camps, 1-on-1 coaching and mentoring.
Start-up teams learn to identify key risks, analyse customer value propositions, develop a validation strategy, learn to build a venture plan and, ultimately, learn how to get connected. After the 10-week programme the teams are able to pitch for our Venture Challenge Jury. The best pitch and venture plan will take home the €25,000 prize money. If you are interested please read more or download the Venture Proposal form. Apply before 12 am on 5 March
In 2018, LifeSciences@Work (LS@W) is celebrating its 10th anniversary. This lustrum will certainly not go by unnoticed! Health~Holland and LS@W will keep you updated about the plans this year.
Top Sectors Talent Programme

Top Sectors Talent Programme
Education comes in many forms, from the traditional methods to Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), video-game-style simulation and learning communities. As the types of skills and qualifications needed in the labour market change rapidly, a good match between the qualifications taught in classrooms with the knowledge and competences needed on the work floor is necessary.
Entrepreneurs and companies in the fields of Life Sciences & Health (LSH) must therefore be engaged in educating both students and experienced professionals. Live interactions between ambitious students, their teachers, and experienced innovators and entrepreneurs are necessary, in a class room as well as in a living lab. In November 2017 the ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy and Top Sector LSH organised a first stakeholder meeting to set up a new talent programme in which students from different disciplines will work on innovation.
Please visit the Health~Holland website for the latest updates on the Talent Programme.