Major Events of 2017
Health~Holland webinar: PPP Allowance

Watch the Health~Holland webinar on PPP Allowance
Everything you always wanted to know about PPP Allowance, but were afraid to ask
How can your organisation benefit from the public-private partnership (PPP) Allowance of Top Sector Life Sciences & Health (LSH)? And what do you have to do to qualify for this allowance? These were the two principle questions during the Health~Holland webinar. Seasoned biotech entrepreneur Hans Schikan and operational director of Top Sector LSH Ernst Nagel unravelled the basics of the PPP Allowance. They answered questions from the audience about the requirements and the application process.
Researchers and companies active in the life sciences and health sector are continuously searching for suitable ways to fund their R&D. When both parties are collectively working in a consortium, Top Sector LSH provides them with the PPP Allowance (formerly known as TKI Allowance) to fund their innovative R&D.
During the webinar more information was provided on whether the instrument is suitable for specific R&D projects, what it entails for an organisation and their consortium partners, what the requirements are, and how to submit a proposal. With the aim of poll questions the audience could indicate to what extent they were aware of the various funding opportunities. In addition, the audience had the opportunity to send in questions via the chat room. Several of the questions were presented to the hosts and were discussed centrally.
The webinar is an informative, accessible way to inform organisations about the funding possibilities from the Top Sector LSH. The webinar is also now available online via this online link (broadcast language: Dutch).
Remember the deadlines of the PPP Allowance application: 5 March & 15 October.

Innovation for Health

Looking back at Innovation for Health 2017
With the overwhelming number of sessions and large exhibition floor, the fourth edition of the annual Innovation for Health conference was definitely worth a visit. This year, the Top Sector LSH was once again the main partner of the event to illust rate our relation with the Dutch LSH sector. The 2017 edition was the second time the event was held in the World Trade Centre in Rotterdam.
Member of the Top Team and experienced entrepreneur Hans Schikan was the host of th e event. According to Schikan the buzz words of that day were “Let’s do this together!”. With this in mind a wide variety of speakers presented their personal story on collaboration and the steps they are taking towards realising a growing Dutch LSH sector and making a difference for the end user.
Plenary speakers included David Pappie, Director of Top Sectors and Innovation of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Sander Klous of the University of Amsterdam and KMPG, Rudi Pauwels of Biocartis on precision medicine, Anne Fliermand of IMDI.NL, and Bas van der Baan of Agendia. They addressed many elements of the sector from international representation, big data, R&D, and precision medicine to funding.
Hans Schikan, member of the Top Team: “A great event with many opportunities to become acquainted with inspiring innovations while strengthening my life sciences' network at the same time."
Before the closing keynote presentation, two prize-awarding ceremonies were held. Anda Hazenburg of the UMC Groningen received the Upcoming Scientist prize for the best PhD poster presentation. Hazenburg investigated whether the initiation of Home Mechanical Ventilation (HMV) for patients with chronic respiratory failure is non-inferior to an in hospital based setting. Marco de Boer of Ntrans Technologies received the Axon Innovation for Health Award. NTrans Technologies was founded in 2015 as spin-off of the Hubrecht Institute. The start-up is working on new therapies for the treatment of genetic diseases and cancer. The company has developed a proprietary technology that enables intracellular delivery of proteins and oligonucleotides into patient cells.
Nico van Meeteren, executive director of Top Sector LSH: “Patients included, the guiding principle for the LSH sector and an important topic at Innovation for Health, was reflected in the “Upcoming Scientist Award 2017” won at the conference by Dr. Anda Hazenberg for the close involvement of patients in her excellent Home Mechanical Ventilation project. She will definitely be back at next year's conference to demonstrate the progress of this project.”
Watch the two minute impression of the fourth edition of Innovation for Health down below.

Eight lessons on how to incorporate patients from PatientTOP
How to involve patients during the innovation process?
During the PatientTOP on 11 April, healthcare providers, patients, entrepreneurs, researchers and policy makers opened a dialogue about patient-included innovation. This led to inspiration, deeper understanding and lots of discussions. Finally Zorg voor Innoveren yielded eight lessons learned on how to involve patients in the innovation process.
Inspirational plenary opening
In his enthusiastic opening speech, executive chair Johan Melse asked the visitors when they last did something new and the last time they had a patient experience. Uproar erupted; the launch of a day full of involvement and interaction.
Margriet Crezee shared her story about All of Me, an initiative that focuses on adolescents with a chronic disease. The whole project is about co-creation, reflecting alongside the adolescents on how this group can receive the correct information and support. In All of Me the involvement of the working field, partners and end users is vital for finding the correct form to create something.
The subsequent Open Space, where all participants could write their frustrations and tips for others on flap-overs, initiated interesting dialogues about working methods, government policies and other recognizable issues. Nonetheless, many interesting tips were written down, like ‘invest in new collaboration systems with experiential experts’ and ‘look at the man in his entirety and not solely at the patient’.
Various subsessions on innovations and patient participation
Following this programme section more sessions took place, where experiences and valuable lessons were shared. For example, Sytske van Bruggen and Karin Busch spoke on behalf of Protocol Los, a project to stimulate patients to take control of their own healthcare. However, this also calls for a different approach from the healthcare providers. They feel supported, but must also have faith in their knowledge and experience to embrace the new working method.
Respiratory therapist Ruud van der Wel developed the Magic Floot and GroovTube, electronic wind instruments that enable children with a muscular disease to enjoy therapy. “If children enjoy going to therapy more then my mission is accomplished.”
The need of the customer is the starting point for Hence not: we have a top-loader with a brushless engine for you! But: do you have a large family with many athletes? Then this washing machine suits you the most! Maartje Geerts Ward van Loon showed how cleverly utilises data customers leave behind on their platform while shopping. By translating buy and click behaviour to needs, you gain insight in what customers are searching for and how you can best meet their question.
eHealth has become ubiquitous, as Chandra Verstappen of Pharos emphasises. However she points out that individuals with a low educational level, inadequate health literacy or a migrant background often have a low capacity to find, understand and apply information on websites and apps due to problems with reading and writing. Her tip: involve as the patient/end user different patients and different types of patients, from individuals with a low level of health literacy to individuals with high levels of education.
After the TOP director ‘Innovatie en Zorgvernieuwing’ of the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport Gelle Klein Ikkink told his most important lesson of the day. “I read on one of the flap-overs: fun, fun, fun. This is also how I experienced today. It is inspiring and enjoyable to develop and design along with patients, healthcare providers and innovators. At the same time, fun is the beginning of the word fundamental, and that’s the movement we now see. The relation between healthcare provider and patient is changing in an equal relationship in which patients are involved in all innovations from the very beginning.”
Learned less
ons during the PatientTOPFrom all of the input given on this day, lessons will be put together that will also be included in the new knowledge file on patient-included innovation. Read the interactive PDF.
All of these lessons are in Dutch.
Lesson 1: Betrek de patiënt vanaf het begin (Involve the patient form the start)
Lesson 2: Vraag niet alleen de usual suspects (Do not ask just the usual suspects)
Lesson 3: Leg uit: ‘Waarom zou ik meewerken?’ (Explain: 'Why should I get involved?’)
Lesson 4: ‘Wij weten wat goed voor u is!’ (We know what is good for you)
Lesson 5: Begin simpel (Start simple)
Lesson 6: Begroot de inzet van patiënten (Increase the use of patients)
Lesson 7: Blijf aangehaakt bij elkaar (Remain connected with each other)
Lesson 8: Meer dan alleen een medisch dossier (More than just a medical file)

Strategic PPPs: inspiring each other

Strategic public-private partnerships: inspiring each other
The second PPP meeting organised by Top Sector LSH
Joining forces to tackle worldwide societal challenges is becoming increasingly common in the field of healthcare research. Large consortia focusing on cancer, cardiovascular medicine and regenerative medicine are formed by Dutch researchers in close collaboration with industry, SMEs and the Top Sector Life Sciences & Health (LSH). The Top Sector aims to facilitate such initiatives to ensure good organisation and to develop sustainable financing. Therefore, the Top Sector will include several of these so-called strategic public-private partnerships (PPPs) in its new strategic document (Knowledge and Innovation Agenda 2018 – 2021).
On 31 May 2017, around 30 Strategic PPPs came together in Utrecht for a second time to inspire and inform each other. Although the status, development phase and challenges of each individual PPP are different, all PPPs have to deal with the same general aspects of strategic PPP formation. By exchanging information during such a meeting, PPPs can learn from each other. Koen Besteman, Principal at Roland Berger, gave a presentation about the different characteristics and funding sources that apply for strategic PPPs. Since Roland Berger has a long history in guiding healthcare PPPs, Besteman addressed the typical threefold approach when setting up a PPP: 1) development of a business plan, 2) building a consortium, and 3) public affairs. In addition, a successful set-up of a PPP has to include a clear project structure and mobilisation of leadership.
Evolution of CVON into the Dutch CardioVascular Alliance
Next professor Wiek van Gilst explained his initiative: the Dutch CardioVascular Alliance (DCVA). DCVA is a movement of the cardiovascular community in the Netherlands and is represented by the Heart Foundation, Netherlands Heart Institute, Heart & Vascular group, NFU, KNAW, NWO, ZonMw, the Dutch government and the Top Sector LSH. Together they aim to mobilise one billion euros for early recognition of cardiovascular diseases (CVD), which will be rapidly translated into health solutions to reduce the cardiovascular burden by 25%. DCVA is building on the existing CVON community and is attracting new (industrial) partners to reach its goal: from scientific results to marketed products. They have therefore set-up a valorisation and implementation fast-track programme, next to portfolio management of their consortia, to realise maximal societal impact.
Meet & Match
The rest of the meeting was devoted to a meet & match information session for strategic PPPs with the the Netherlands Enterprise Agency, Government ministries (Economic Affairs; Health, Welfare and Sport; Education, Culture and Science), NWO-TTW, SGF and Top Sector LSH. More information about the PPPs will become available in our new strategic agenda, which will be published in July 2017 on the Health~Holland website and in the upcoming Update.
X-Heal Diagnostics wins the Venture Challenge Spring


X-Heal Diagnostics winner of the Venture Challenge Spring 2017
Fast and accurate diagnosis of lung infections
On June 9 at the Dutch Biotech Event, Chrétien Herben, director LifeSciences@Work Accelerator, announced X-Heal Diagnostics as winning team of the 17th edition of the Venture Challenge. X-Heal Diagnostics has developed the X-halyzer technology, a patented diagnostic technology that allows specific detection of bacteria from exhaled air within one hour, directly enabling targeted treatment for patients with chronic lung diseases.
According to the Venture Challenge Jury the technological innovation of X-Heal Diagnostics addresses the worldwide issues of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) by its quick and specific detection. The X-halyzer technology has been developed by researchers from Radboud University Medical Center and Innosieve Diagnostics BV.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) patients are vulnerable for recurrent infection of the respiratory system, which leads to exacerbations or lung attacks. This decreases the quality of life of COPD patients significantly and could ultimately lead to death. Therefore, prevention or shortening the lung attacks is pivotal and early diagnosis of infection is required. Current diagnostic methods take 2 to 3 days, while the patient requires treatment within hours upon arrival in the hospital. Most patients are treated empirically with broad-spectrum antibiotics, which negatively affects the AMR burden. By use of the X-halyzer technology, a bacterial infection is detected within one hour, enabling targeted and quick treatment.
“Our ambition is to market our X-halyzer technology for different indications and target groups, such as the diagnosis of lung infections in cystic fibrosis patients and diagnosis of tuberculosis,” states Marien de Jonge, Head of the Laboratory of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Radboudumc.
The Venture Challenge Spring 2017 started in April this year and came to an end today during the Dutch Biotech Event of HollandBIO. Other participating teams were Momo Medical, CC Diagnostics and Osteomore. Participating in the Venture Challenge leads to clear venture plans, as well as to very well-prepared and presented pitches.
The Venture Challenge is a bi-annually coaching programme of the valorisation activities of the Top Sector Life Sciences & Health. Interested in participating in the next Venture Challenge (18th edition) during the fall of 2017? Then visit the website of LS@W for more information.

Dutch Biotech Event
Dutch Biotech Event: passionate biotech champions lead by example
The Dutch Biotech Event, last June in Maarssen, was a big success. Nearly 190 biotech professionals gathered to be inspired by leading biotech entrepreneurs, to meet peers and experts and to upgrade their professional skills during hands-on workshops.
Annemiek Verkamman, director HollandBIO: "Let's tell the world how you are all working to improve our health and contribute to a sustainable world."
Keynote speakers
From funding to patient inclusion and from interacting with the FDA to cultural differences: Russell Greig, chairman AM-Pharma, multiboard member, taught the attendees the lessons he learned during his lifelong biotech career. Sander van Deventer, managing partner at Forbion, further inspired the attendees to boost the sector's innovative power, by including meaningful outcomes, healthcare system benefits, patient experiences and societal value into drug development.
The interactive workshops unraveled the secrets and gave the audience insight in how to upgrade their professional skills. For example, tips and tricks on closing a deal in pharma and on delivering an empowering presentation were shared as well as the success factors of Xendo. Last but not least, the audience was taken on a journey of personal goals and dreams and entrepreneurial success, with as key message: get your focus right. A negative focus never works.
Overall, the event was informative, inspiring and fun. HollandBIO is already looking forward to see you at the upcoming summer edition!
Interested in more details? Please find the full event report here.
Photography: Nils van Houten
BIO International Convention: San Diego

San Diego turns orange with the Dutch Pavilion at the BIO International Convention
In June 2017, Health~Holland and HollandBIO travelled to the BIO International Convention, the largest biotech conference worldwide. With no less than 16,000 delegates, a large exhibition floor and 41,400 requested 1-to-1 partnering meetings, sunny San Diego was the place to be for all who are active in the biotech sector.
125 Dutch entrepreneurs and representatives from the sector joined our delegation, a good reflection of the top biotech companies in our country. Due to the eye-catching orange key cords you could clearly identify the Dutch everywhere.
During the welcome drinks in a packed bar in San Diego, organised by HollandBIO, the starting shot to a successful edition of the conference was given. Once again, the Netherlands was clearly represented at the orange Health~Holland Pavilion on the BIO exhibition floor. The eye-catching pavilion decorated with tulips and the canals of Amsterdam served as an information point for the Dutch life sciences sector and a hospitable living room for busy Dutch conference delegates. People from around the world came together during the nations drinks in the hope of winning the coveted orange Xendo bike, which was eventually won by a very happy biotech entrepreneur from Florida. This was also considerable interest in tickets for the BIO-Europe Spring 2018 in Amsterdam: many international guests could not wait to travel to this prominent biotech event in the Netherlands!

Medtech Conference San Jose, California

Health~Holland delegation at The Medtech Conference San Jose, California
Triggered by successful visits to Advamed San Diego (2015) and Advamed Minneapolis (2016), East Netherlands Development Agency (Oost NL) together with the Top Sector Life Sciences & Health (Health~Holland) and the Netherlands Consulate in San Francisco organised a business development and trade mission to The MedTech Conference in San Jose (CA) from 25 to 27 September. This year’s The Medtech Conference brought together more than 1000 companies and proved to be an excellent environment for business development, capital raising, product and technology showcasing, education through workshops/panel sessions and networking.
The target group for this mission were Dutch medtech SMEs with products or services already on the market who are looking for ways to expand internationally with a focus on North America. They were primarily scale-ups rather than startups. Fifteen delegates had signed up including the following ten medtech companies: Encapson, Stroke2Prevent, DOVIDEQ medical, HCM-medical, PulseCath, OsteoPharma, Factory CRO, Axon Lawyers, Unitron and Gannet.
The entrepreneurs all actively engaged in the MedTechConnect one-on-on partnering programme, resulting in a series of 30-minute speed dates with potential business partners. In order to support the delegation and to generate exposure for the medical ecosystem in the Netherlands, a Health~Holland booth was set up at a prime location at the exhibition. The booth was also used to inform foreign companies who are considering setting up a business in the Netherlands (InvestinHolland).
In addition, all Dutch delegates were invited to pitch their product and services at the international lounge. At a networking dinner sponsored by the Netherlands Embassy, guest speaker Dave Hood of DH3 & Associates informed the delegation about working with the US government on specific medical opportunities and how to access associated non-dilutive funding programmes.
An evaluation survey revealed that all of the participants were all very pleased with the organisation, the contacts and the overall outcome of the mission. Several participants have already indicated that they are interested in joining the mission next year.
Please contact if you are interested in finding out more about this event, or next year’s The MedTech Conference in Philadelphia, 24-26 September 2018.
World of Health Care

A congresstival stimulating international business
Almost 700 health professionals visited the 2nd edition of the World of Health Care
The second edition of World of Health Care (WoHC) marked important developments in the international success of the Top Sector Life Sciences & Health (LSH). In the former Fokker Terminal in The Hague, numerous healthcare professionals from large and small companies, care providers, NGOs, knowledge institutes, and government from all over the world visited the event to discuss challenges in accomplishing international business.
International programme
Opening speaker Frans van Houten, CEO at Royal Philips NV, shared his view on global healthcare trends and the importance of innovation and partnerships. The programme for the rest of the day consisted of sessions about community care, global health, and care in an ageing society. In addition, parallel sessions provided information about doing business in specific countries like China, Kenya and United States, with SMEs sharing their own experiences.
Her Majesty Queen Máxima visits WoHC
The Dutch Queen visited the congresstival, where she received the new Health~Holland Guide from the Executive Director of the Top Sector LSH, Nico van Meeteren. The Health~Holland Guide (HHG) represents a wide range of innovative Dutch life sciences and health organisations, which are active worldwide. After this official moment, the Queen took the time to speak to various entrepreneurs about their innovative products and international ambitions.
Neuromagic closure
Before the informal drinks all attendees were inspired by an impressive show from Victor Mids, illusionist and doctor, who is known for his programme MINDF*CK.
Through this combination he brings illusion and science together in a unique way. Several visitors were literally tricked by his neuropsychological experiments on stage. Mids provided a fun ending to the WoHC programme.
WoHC Smart Solution Award
WoHC visitors voted Usono as the winner of the Smart Solutions Award from a total of 49 exhibitors. On the mainstage Usono received a voucher to join a Task Force Health Care international trade mission of their choice. Usono is situated at the High Tech Campus in Eindhoven and is developing two smart innovations: the Probefix which is a non-invasive tool providing lengthy and stable fixation of an ultrasound probe to the body and the Probefix Dynamic which supports high quality ultrasound measurements of muscles during dynamic exercise.
Overall, the second WoHC was an international success. Almost 700 key stakeholders were connected to high-level decision makers in international health from Belgium, Brazil, China, Germany, Kenya, Ukraine, Poland, South Africa, United Arab Emirates and the United States of America. Please note: the next conference will be held on 27 September 2018!